15 Minute Tasks for the Week - Imperfect Homemaker

15 Minute Tasks for the Week

Organize and Clean


We've already spent one week disinfecting bedrooms; now let's make sure we finish up the bedrooms we didn't do last time.  I'll be working in the master bedroom this week.



Take down and wash curtains and bed linens in the bedroom(s) of your choice.


Clean ceiling fans in all bedrooms and knock down any cobwebs from the ceiling.

*Helpful tips for cleaning ceiling fans*

  1. Use an old pillowcase to clean the fan blades.  Just slip it over the blade, grip it tightly, and slide it back off of the blade.  The dust will be contained inside the pillowcase instead of floating around in the air.
  2. Clean the rest of the fan with a swiffer duster or a damp rag.
  3. Keep a spray bottle of water handy, and spray the air around the fan as you dust.  The mist will help the dust particles fall to the floor instead of floating around in your face and making you sneeze.  (I tried this for the first time this week, and was amazed that I had no problems with sneezing, itchy eyes, sore throat, etc. like I almost always do when I’m around dust.)


Mist bedroom walls with a non-toxic disinfectant.  Scrub any smudges, crayon drawings, etc. off with a rag.


Move bedroom furniture out from the wall.  Dust the baseboards and spray with disinfectant.  Vacuum the entire floor, including underneath of the furniture.  If you have a wood floor, sweep and spray the entire floor with disinfectant.


Spray all bedroom furniture (dressers, bed frames, etc.) with a non-toxic disinfectant and wipe down with a rag.  Empty trash cans and spray with disinfectant before replacing the liner.


Move quickly through all bedrooms and remove any items that do not belong there.  Place them in the correct places in the house, throw away trash, and get rid of things you no longer use.


Non-toxic disinfectant recipe for those that asked last time:

16 oz. water

3 tbsp. liquid castile soap

30 drops tea tree oil

Mix together in a spray bottle.


There are many, many ways you can make a non-toxic disinfectant if you don't have these ingredients on hand.  (I order my ingredients from Vitacost since they have great prices, plus you get a $10 off $30 coupon when you create an account through my referral link. )

Other non-toxic products with disinfecting properties:

Vinegar water (50/50 ratio) (do not use on marble surfaces)

Hydrogen Peroxide (3 percent; if you want to spray it, you must use a dark spray bottle or screw the nozzle from another spray bottle directly onto the original peroxide bottle.) (Use vinegar and peroxide in conjunction with one another.)

Thieves Oil

Grapefruit seed extract


Do you have any favorite disinfectant recipes?  I'd love to hear about them!


If you want to keep up with 15 Minutes to a Clean and Organized Home or anything else that will be going on around here, then you’ll want to subscribe to email updates or follow me on Facebook so you won’t miss it!

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