28 Random Things About Me - Imperfect Homemaker

28 Random Things About Me

In honor of my 28th birthday, I thought I would give you a list of 28 random things about me.  I've seen others bloggers do something similar, and I always enjoy getting to know the person behind the blog a little better.  I have written these in no particular order; I just wrote whatever I happened to think of at the moment.


My hubby and I


1. I am the youngest of 4 children, and the only girl in my family.

2. My favorite pastime is playing the piano; I started learning when I was 4 years old.

3. I once had a dog named named Buster whose favorite food was corn on the cob.  (I told you these were random!)

4. I consider chocolate to be its own food group.

5. I am left-handed.

6. I am very, very, very un-artistic and uncoordinated.  Successful crafts definitely have to posted to my blog because they are such a huge accomplishment.

7. My least favorite chore is cleaning the kitchen.

8. I can't stand the feel of cotton balls (think fingernails on chalkboard.)

9. My favorite food is chocolate.

10. I think coffee is disgusting.

11. During the warmer months, I usually wear a comfy top with a skirt and flip flops.

12. During the winter I wear my PJ's all day and don't go anywhere unless I have to.

13. I like jewelry, but I only wear it a couple times a year.  I'm just that forgetful.

14. Have I mentioned yet that I love chocolate?

15. I'm typically a tough-it-out kind of girl when I have a headache.  Medicine is a very last resort.

16.  I choose practicality over beauty nearly every time.

17. I have owned (and worn regularly) several articles of clothing for over 15 years.  I do not wear 15-year-old clothing in public; I only wear things in public that are 10 years old or newer!  🙂

18. I do not like to cook.

19. A lot of people think I'm snobby when they first meet me.  They don't realize that I'm really just shy and don't know what to say when I don't know someone.

20. Once I get to know you, you'll probably wish I would quit talking so much!

21. I have three kids – ages 1, 3, and 5.

22. I'm in my first year of homeschooling my 5-year-old, and it's harder than I thought it would be.

23.  I grew up near Atlanta, GA.

24. I currently live in North Carolina.

25. My husband and I both grew up in Christian homes.  (What a blessing!)

26. Besides the piano, I have also learned to play clarinet and a tiny bit of violin, but they have both been in the closet since I graduated from college.

27. Blogging is my very favorite hobby, and hearing from my readers brings a huge smile to my face!

28.  If you ever want to make my day, just bring me some chocolate.


I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about me, and I hope you all have a great weekend with your families!

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